NAPIT Registered Electrician - DSJ Electrical Services, Bourne
Many of my customers don’t understand what Part P registered actually means. Part P is the part of the Building Regulations 2010 that covers electrical safety in dwellings. If your electrical work is notifiable to the Local Area Building Control then, as stipulated in section 3.1 of Part P of the Building Regulations, then the easiest way to fulfil that requirement in my opinion is to use a registered electrician.
I’m registered with the National Association of Professional Inspectors and Testers (NAPIT). This allows me to notify all my own work via NAPIT to the LABC.
As part of my NAPIT membership I’ve had my qualifications checked and my work experience so you can be sure I am up to date with the latest edition of the wiring regulations and have the experience to work to those standards. My insurance has been confirmed, both public liability and professional indemnity insurance policies are in date. The multimeter tester I use is confirmed to be in calibration so test results are accurate. It’s confirmed that I actually have a copy of the current wiring regulations BS7671 and the on site guide for reference. A complaints procedure is available so that in the rare instance something goes wrong there is an avenue for resolving problems. This is all re checked each year by NAPIT for your peace of mind.
NAPIT also provide the NAPIT Work Quality Guarantee. This warrants that the work carried out by members complies with the Building Regulations and guarantees it for 6 years from the installation date, up to the value of £25,000. This applies to all work I carry out, both notifiable and non notifiable work. Another great reason to choose a NAPIT registered electrician.
So why have I always been and always will be an NAPIT Registered electrician? Quite simply, it is for my customers peace of mind, not just for the fact they recognise NAPIT as a mark of quality but also for my belief in each and every job being carried out to the same high standard and ensuring customer satisfaction at the end.
The reason why I set up DSJ Electrical Services 6 years ago was to fill a huge gaping hole in the domestic market. As an electrician with over 13 years experience it frustrated me to see the lack of care, attention and skill on electrical work being carried out in peoples homes by under qualified, inexperienced workers. It is my mission to provide a comprehensive electrical service that is friendly, efficient and geared towards helping home owners and small businesses in Bourne and the surrounding areas. Contact us today.